What is inner space? What is silence? When will I experience silence? How do I know if I am meditating rightly?

What is inner space ?

Inner space means when you close your eyes and look inside, how you feel, what you feel as you, that is inner space.

Second, what is silence?

If that inner space—if you suddenly feel as if you have taken bath in the cold water and the whole thing inside is in the eternal peace, there is no agitation, it is all completely in peace, in restful awareness, that is what I call ‘inner silence’- means less number of thoughts.

Third question—when will I experience silence?

Whenever you want, that’s all. It is actually you need to feel tired of wandering around. Unless you feel tired of wandering around, if I have to use very strong term—fooling around, your mind goes on fooling around. Instead of real source of joy, you just go round, go round, go round, go round, try to taste everything; other than your food you try to taste everything. When I say everything, I mean everything. Your mind also does the same thing, going around constantly, fooling around, trying this, this, this, this, this, this,this, this, this, this, this..What is the essence? It just goes on.  Goes on trying. I tell you, your mind needs to be little tired, tired of roaming around, wandering, only then it will experience silence. It will decide to experience silence.

You are asking, ‘how do I know if I am meditating rightly?’

When you meditate rightly, peace will start growing in you like a tree growing, the experience of peace will start growing in you. Nothing can agitate you. No one can disturb you. Growing peace in you. When peace grows in you rightly, you are meditating rightly.

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